SMOK X2 Prince Coil
SMOK X2 Prince Coil
Hi everybody so today I received my package from 8 Vape which included the new X2 Clapton coils for the smok prince tank. The coil is constructed of Kanthal, reads at 0.4 ohms and is rated for 40-80w(60-70 best) in order to avoid confusion although the back of the box does say it's stainless construction that is referring to the housing of the coil and not the actual coil itself. I was pretty excited to see smok stepping up their game and coming out with a more exotic coil then the standard run-of-the-mill. Opening the package what you receive is 3 coils which is pretty standard for the big family of coils. For the purpose of this test I will be using my smok X priv mod and a 3mg, 70/30 vape juice.
Upon first inspection the coil appears to be well constructed the threading is clean and if you take a peek down the whole you can clearly see the Clapton coil. According to smok's website they label this coil as "extremely durable and amazing Vapor production". For those of you who don't know what a Clapton coil is it is something that is usually used in an RDA or RDTA and consists of a thicker core wire tightly wrapped with a thin wire. In general a Clapton coil promises much better Vapor production and much better flavor due to the fact that there is a larger surface area of the coil due to the outer winding which absorbs juice and more juice vaporizing at once equals more flavor and more clouds. Also I think it might be worthy to note that due to the coils material construction is not designed for temperature control.
So without further Ado on to the test! As with any coil I would recommend that you thoroughly Prime the coil and install it in the tank and fill it with juice and let it rest for a few minutes so that the cotton has a chance to absorb the juice to avoid the potential of a dry hit or burning the cotton.
With that out of the way I started off at a low wattage of 15 and slowly worked my way up in five degree increments until I reached the lower end of the recommended 60 to 70 Watts. My initial impression of the coil while working my way up in the Watts was that it was very smooth hitting, also it did not seem to have any noticeable spit back.
As with most Clapton coils the flavor production was excellent in my opinion. It also produces a pretty large cloud although I will say that it's definitely a thirsty coil and seems to go through juice pretty quick at 60 watts I went through a half a tank in a hundred puffs. If you ask me its flavor production is right on par with the current mesh coil offering from smok and it's definitely a good coil that allows you to notice flavor profiles that you may have otherwise missed with a standard coil.
Overall I think it is an excellent coil for the smok prince tank although I can't speak to the longevity of it I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for good flavor and huge clouds. It is definitely my new go to coil for the prince tank although I have noticed on the smok website that they are introducing a duel and a triple mesh coil which is due for release at the end of August. Stay tuned for that review. You should definitely give this coil a try it's cheaper than the mesh coil and flavor is just as good
Happy vaping people
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