Wismec Luxotic BF Mod Review
Wismec Luxotic BF Mod Review
By Jason Glaser
Hello All,
This will be my very first review and it will be on my WISMEC Luxotic BF Box. This is my first squonk box ever. First of all it looks amazing. I got the Swirled Metallic Resin side plate. The side plate is held on by three strong magnets, these magnets hold very well.
I've had this mod for a month now and the side plate has never come off when it was not supposed to. Also, the bottom plate is also held on by magnets and same as the side plate, it has never come off unexpectedly. Next, it is very well built. You can see how evident that is, the first time you pick it up. It has a very nice feel in the hand, from the weight of it and the way it was designed. Then we have the BF mechanism.
So easy to fill the ample 7.5 ml bottle and insert into the mod. The fill tube goes all the way to the bottom of the squonk bottle, so there isn't any juice lingering. The mod has a nice big firing button with a convenient on/off system. 5 quick pulses to turn on and another 5 to turn the device off. Very handy when you don't want it to misfire. There is a battery check system, but its not the easiest to read. Pulsing the fire button 3 times will show a back light to the fire button. But, its a very small sliver of light to each side of the button, so you have to look at it, head on and just right so see it. If the light is solid, your battery is 50% or more. If the light blinks its under 50%.
The RDA that come with this mod is the Tobhino BF. Now, this is a single coil RDA which i really like. It has a nice deep 6mm juice well, for all your juicy goodness. This is also a postless RDA. The side mounting screw slots for inserting your coils are a bit too large. Depending on the type of coil being used. Such as a round Clapton. When tightening the screws, the coil legs want to slip off the the side and the screws catch nothing. This makes replacing coils a bit of a challenge. But once you got it in, let the flavor flow! This has great taste. And the vent holes, three on each side, are place perfectly for air flow.
All in all this is a great mod. I plan on getting a more user friendly RDA, but that's just me.
Hope this helps anyone interested in the WISMEC Luxotic Box.....
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