Glass Water Pipe

Glass Water Pipe What is a Glass Water Pipe? A glass bong or a water pipe is essentially a smoking device that utilizes water for filtration. These pipes usually consist of a tube, base, down stem, bowl, and finally a mouth piece. Some people also add percolators for adding extra...

Glass Water Pipe

What is a Glass Water Pipe?

A glass bong or a water pipe is essentially a smoking device that utilizes water for filtration. These pipes usually consist of a tube, base, down stem, bowl, and finally a mouth piece. Some people also add percolators for adding extra filtration chambers to the pipe. Doing so is ideal for purifying the smoke, making it flavorful and smooth.

Water pipes are a fantastic option because of their incredibly simplicity. All one has to do as put the pieces together, add their preferred herb, light it up and start smoking.

How to Use a Bong?

If you don’t have much experience using a bong, here are a few things you must gather to ensure you use it the right way.

  • Your favorite marijuana strain
  • Clean water
  • Bong
  • Lighter or hemp wick

Using a bong is relatively straightforward, as all you need to do is follow the simple steps mentioned below

Prepare the Bong: Start by inserting the down stem and check whether your bowl is sliding smoothly. After that, add some water in the chamber, making sure the down stem’s bottom is completely submerged.

Grind the Marijuana: The simplest, most effective way to grind marijuana is by using a blender. The device offers a uniform grind and doesn’t require too much effort. However, if you don’t have marijuana, using a sharp pair of scissors would do the trick. Make sure you break the nugs into small pieces of the same size (more or less).

Packing the Bowl: After grinding the weed, use the tip of your fingers to pick up a tiny pinch of marijuana. Then, carefully place it in the bowl, followed by tamping it gently in the bowl. Make sure to avoid packing the bowl tight as it could cause problems in pulling the smoke.

Light it up: Now that you are ready to start your session, use a hemp wick or lighter to ignite the bowl from the corner. While doing this, put your mouth on the mouthpiece and start inhaling. 

Clear the Chamber: Once the chamber is filled with smoke, you must start clearing it. For this, you will need to slide the bowl from the down stem. Doing so will allow you to open the airflow moving through the glass bong. This pushes the smoke from the mouthpiece to your lungs.

Different Types of Bongs

Straight Tube Bong

These bongs have a simple yet effective design and they usually consist of a diffused down stem to help with percolation. Glass straight tube bongs are arguably the most popular bong style because of their simple design and ease of use.

Beaker Bongs

Beaker bongs are a variation of glass bongs with an enlarged bottom to store a higher volume of water. This allows the water to stay cool for longer periods. Another advantage of using a beaker bong is that their extra space results in more smoke.

Percolator Bong

The design of percolators may look a bit complicated at first sight, but they are actually quite easy to use. Located in the bong’s base or tube, a perc is essentially a glass contraption for allowing water to pass through. When inhaling from percolator bongs, the smoke diffuses into bubbles, resulting in the classic rip sound bongs are famous for.

Multi-Chamber Water Pipe

Also referred to as recycler bongs, multi-chamber bongs are a variant of the straight tube bong. The tubes present in multi chamber bongs are separated in 2 different chambers attached by a third chamber or tube. Both of these chambers contain water to ensure the smoke gets filtered multiple times.

Materials Bongs are made from

Borosilicate Glass

Glass is arguably the most common material used for making bongs. This is because it offers a pure and clean tastes, ensuring the smoke’s flavor remains unaffected. What’s more, detecting resin buildup in borosilicate glass bongs is quite easy, which is another reason why most people prefer them.


These bongs are quite heavy and robust compared to most of the other materials used to create them. While ceramic bongs are quite durable, they are not the best when it comes to portability. You will find ceramic bongs in a variety of sizes and shapes and it is also worth keeping in mind that they are more expensive compared to plastic and glass bongs.


Silicone is a highly flexible and durable material which is a major reason why silicone bongs are available in different designs, shapes and sizes. Most of the bongs manufactured using medical grade silicone are quite durable and do not impart nasty odors.


How to Use a Bong

Using a bong is quite straightforward. Here are the steps you must follow:

  • Inspect your bong for dirt and clean it
  • Insert the downstem
  • Connect the body and the bowl
  • Add water in the base
  • Grind marijuana into tiny nugs
  • Fill your bowl
  • Start smoking

Difference between Bongs and Dab Rigs

While there are plenty of differences between bongs and dab rigs, the most notable one Is that bongs are used with flowers, dry herbs or tobacco. Oil and dab rigs, on the other hand, are usually used for honey, oil, wax and other legal concentrates.

What’s a Percolator?

The main purpose a percolator serves is to cool the smoke down and offer high-level filtration, making it easy to inhale the smoke. There is a wide range of percolators out there and each one has a different effect.